Report – In-House Meeting with Dr. Joshua White


The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad, hosted an In-House Meeting with Dr. Joshua White, Associate Professor, John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. Dr. White spoke on Trump’s South Asia Policy and Challenges to the Relations between Pakistan and the US.

Director America and Research ISSI, Mr. Najam Rafique welcomed the speaker and stated that US and Pakistan have always shared a love-hate relationship, but with President Trump in the office the dynamics of the relationship remains a mystery because of his inexperience in the field of foreign policy. For all practical purposes, his South Asia policy would, in all likelihood, be a continuation of his predecessor. Much, of course, will depend on the kind of foreign policy team which the new president puts together.

Dr. White in his opening remarks highlighted four different shifts that are happening in the transition from Obama to Trump, which reflects a lot of changes. A lot of these changes are happening at the higher policy level, one of the aspects of this policy making is towards South Asia in general, and Pakistan in particular.

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