Issue Brief on “Afghanistan’s Corruption Dilemma: Progress and Challenges”


Corruption remains a very serious impediment to development anywhere in the world. But in the case of Afghanistan, rampant corruption has been a hindrance in the way of implementing reforms. War torn Afghanistan has been a victim of poor governance, corrupt government practices, and above all, lawlessness. This has often been observed and studied by international organisations. According to Transparency International, corruption risks in Afghanistan hamper humanitarian aid from getting where it needs to go, and has called on the government of Afghanistan, donor agencies and humanitarian agencies to strengthen transparency and accountability in the humanitarian response to ensure fair, rapid and corruption-free humanitarian aid. Transparency International’s new report titled “Collective Resolution to Enhance Accountability and Transparencies in Emergencies: Afghanistan Report”[1] published in April 2017 has exposed a number of aspects like reinforcing the role of local governance structures to promote transparency, and investing in communication with affected communities which would strengthen the response of humanitarian aid providers and the honesty of the aid they deliver.

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